Fay Shutzer Virtual Exhibition 2020
August 8-14, 2020 | 25 Commercial Street, Wellfleet
"Forever Summer"
oil on canvas
17" x 21"
Art has always been part of my life. I was born in Massachusetts and grew up on a dairy farm. My parents had a strong interest in art, my mother as a lecturer at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts and my father as an avid collector of emerging art. As a small child, I requested art lessons.
In high school my art teacher encouraged me to save a portrait I had drawn in pastel for my permanent portfolio. In college, though captivated by studio art classes, I majored in psychology. I saw myself as “artistic” but not as an artist. Looking back, I wonder how I made the distinction.
Rose by the Door
oil on canvas
13" x 13"
I wanted to attempt to capture the beauty of the light as well as the evocative aspects of the New England landscape that had been so much a part of my youth. Artist Ann Packard became my teacher in the early 1990s, taking away my brushes and handing me a palette knife, encouraging me to take risks with paint that drawing had not allowed. Although it may sound cliché, she changed my life. Ann saw the artist in me that I had failed to take seriously and she challenged me to go further.
-Fay Shutzer
And visit us! We are open 10-6 daily in Wellfleet and Orleans.